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*Freelance Traveller

The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

April 2013


April 2013 Department Article Title Author
From the Editor   Jeff Zeitlin
Featured Article
Critics’ Corner Off the Table: The Artemis Files: #2: Talisman Ravi Shankar
Outpost Mars “kafka”
Mongoose Traveller Supplement 7: 1,001 Characters Jeff Zeitlin
21 Plots III “kafka”
Up Close and Personal Talia Mason John Lees
In A Store Near You The Showroom: Strasser-class TL5 Rigid Airship Chris Cox and Steward Wochende
NHR 1010 Armored Multifunction Robot Ewan Quibell
NHR 1100 Fishery Robot Ewan Quibell
Less Dangerous Game Four From the Jungle Timothy Collinson
Raconteurs’ Rest Drop Out (Part 22) Ken Murphy
Doing It My Way Suffer Unto Me the Little Children Richard Morey
Technology Rules: The Lyman Drive: An Alternative Jump Drive Jeff Zeitlin
The Shipyard Mongoose Traveller Designs: Type M TL15 Scout Courier Ed Hinojosa

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From the Editor

How do we bring new blood to tabletop role-playing—and to Traveller, specifically? Tabletop role-playing as we know it is coming up on 40 years old—long enough that those of us who were in college when the original Dungeons and Dragons was released in 1974 could be thinking of introducing our grandchildren to the hobby. Those grandchildren, though, are growing up in an era of MMORPGs (most of which are combat-oriented), Twitter, Facebook, and so on—an era where face-to-face social interaction isn’t seen as central to one’s social life. And tabletop role-playing is very much about face-to-face social interaction—even though we have ways of playing without being face-to-face (play-by-email, play-by-post, using Skype or videocalling services, or IRC), few people will argue that “it’s not really the same” isn’t a true statement. How does one promote face-to-face interaction in an on-line world?

There’s another part to that question, too—most MMORPGs seem to be, as mentioned above, combat-oriented. Tabletop role-playing still supports that, but has also grown beyond it, to all sorts of non-combat campaigns, from trading to diplomacy to exploration to … all of which Traveller supports, and supports well. Part of bringing in the new blood would also include making non-combat campaigns attractive—but how?

There are other relevant questions that can be asked: Are tabletop RPG rules too complex? Should there be more computer aids? Are there other issues?

Consider this “From the Editor” to be something along the lines of the Essay Question feature we used to run. How would you bring new blood to tabletop role-playing and Traveller? We’ll gladly allocate a few pages of a future issue to share ideas that are sent to us. Send your ideas to editor@freelancetraveller.com or questions@freelancetraveller.com.