Wherever sophonts gather socially, stories fill the air. Some are true, some aren't - but it doesn't matter, as long as they're good stories, and the person telling them is a good raconteur.
These pages are where Traveller raconteurs can share their stories, whether they are recountings of what actually happened in their adventure sessions, or fiction cut from whole cloth, inspired by or taking place in a Traveller universe.
- And Then... In this section, you decide the action - one scene at a time...
- Instant Replay (Kenneth D. Bearden) A series of episodes from a real Traveller campaign, told in story form.
- Cultural Exchange (Richard Honeycutt) A one-of-a-kind ship with a one-of-a-kind crew on a one-of-a-kind mission.
- Friends In High Places (Leslie Bates) It all started when he had to replace the plush penguin...
- The Chronicles of T.C. Harrison (James Jensen) He had a knack for discovering the wrong thing at the right time.
- The Hostile Stars (Fred Ramen) A serial story of valiance and heroism, set during the Fifth Frontier War.
- The Road To Glory (Robert Range) A story of the Rebellion Era.
- Smoke Test: Once In A Blue Moon (Michael Capriola and C. A. Pella) It sounded so simple - recover a probe. But that was only the beginning.(Based on the adventure Smoke Test, by Bill Cameron)
- Introduction to the Lost Diaries Lost diaries can be found, and when they are, they can tell stories, or parts of stories. These do.
- The Lottery (Roger Barr) It was his last day...
- Misjump (Marc Kuhl) When Asirihan reached for the stars, he didn't quite intend to reach quite so far...
- The Mortician General (Andrea Vallance) It was supposed to be a routine recontact mission...
- The Pesaktor - Part I - Adanka (Paul Campbell) Change was inevitable - she wanted it to be on her terms.
- Power Play (Roger Barr) They would go to any length to get that ship - even to refusing to do business with the owner.
- I.C.E. Capades (Michael Capriola) A story based on the Freelance Traveller Active Measure, I.C.E. by Michael Gilliam
- The Adventures of Stalen Treadway (Jay Alverson) Is he a troubleshooter, or just trouble?
- Frontier Rescue (John Hamill) An annual harvest goes wrong.
- Kursis Charter (Joel Benford) Based on the QLI adventure of the same name.
- Wanted... (Michael Capriola and C. A. Pella) No ... kidding ..., there we were.
- Ascension (Robert Range) He was one of the little guys, but they had big plans for him.
- ...From the Machine (Leslie Bates) The misjump is only the beginning...
- A Passage to Extolay (Chris Wright) It all started with what he learned in the service...
- Drop Out (Ken Murphy) The adventures of the Chicken and Waffles and her intrepid crew
- Green Hills (A Bedtime Story) (Jeffrey Schwartz) The songs of the stars...
- Funny Fish (Andrea Vallance) A set of stories about the Luriani War.
- Down Jump Blues (Jim Fogarty) Security, or setup?
- The Old Scout: In the Pawn Shop (Jeffrey Schwartz) The bag did turn up.
- The Old Scout: Out in the Sargasso (Jeffrey Schwartz) They were banging on the hull.
- The Old Scout: Sun Weather (Jeffrey Schwartz) A variable star means variable weather
- The Old Scout: The Danger Club (Jeffrey Schwartz) Less dangerous game can still be dangerous - for unexpected reasons.
- The Old Scout: Light in the Darkness (Craig Berry) The dangers of flashlight and assumptions
- Playing Games (Jeffrey Schwartz) What can you learn from them?
- Sword Worlds Resurgent (John Clifford) Can they build themselves up enough to get the Regency to respect them?
- The Adventures of Gerry Fynne (Sam Swindell) A letter and a need to get out from under mean adventure!
- Predator (Robert Weaver) One name fits both the weapon and the men involved.
- The Orc and the Sorceress (Jim Vassilakos) A question of ethics (Companion piece to “Virtuality and Its Social Consequences in Traveller”)
- Tales in the Starport Bar: Light Adventure (Catherine Berry) It turned out they weren't scared
- A Cepheus Vignette (Felbrigg Herriot) It wasn't overkill, this time
- The Blackpatch Job (Dixon Chance) Staying one jump ahead
- The Astoundingly True Tale of José Fabuloso (Jo Jaquinta) They may not be player-characters but they are definitely characters
- After-Action Report: Terran Combine (Aaron Somerville) A recounting of an adventure, from the Referee's point of view.
- After-Action Report: An Exciting Night (Andrew Brown) Gaming on-the-fly
- After-Action Report: Signal 99 (Joshua Levy) A successful run of an adventure doomed to failure
- After-Action Report: TravCon 11 (Timothy Collinson) The beginning of the second decade of TravCon in the UK.
- After-Action Report: Travcon 12 (Timothy Collinson) Another rightpondian con report.
- After Action Report: TravCon 13 (Timothy Collinson) A look back at the 2013 TravCon in the UK
- After-Action Report: TravCon 14 (Timothy Collinson) Immersing oneself in fun, at TravCon UK
- After Action Report: TravellerCON/USA 2014 (Jeff Zeitlin) Americans have TravCons, too!
- After Action Report: TravCon 15 (Timothy Collinson) TravCon UK, with some interesting twists.
- After-Action Report: TravellerCON/USA 2015 (Jeff Zeitlin) TravellerCON/USA has another fun year
- After-Action Report: TravCon 16 (Timothy Collinson) Wherein the Author once again has Fun, and tells us about it.
- Adventure of a Traveller Greenhorn (Jane Polwin) TravCon 16 (UK) from a first-timer's view
- After-Action Report: TravCon 17 (Timothy Collinson) 2017 sees yet another TravellerCon/UK, and fun was had.
- After-Action Report: TravellerCON/USA 2016 (Jeff Zeitlin) Traveller was played, fun was had.
- After-Action Report: TravellerCON/USA 2017 (E. Tage Larsen) Coming back to Traveller, and coming to TravellerCON
- After-Action Report: TravellerCON/USA 2017 (Jeff Zeitlin) Another year, another weekend of fun - with Marc Miller
- After-Action Report: TravCon 18 (Timothy Collinson) Traveller was played and fun was had, even in the face of heavy snow...
- After-Action Report: TravellerCON/USA 2018 (Jeff Zeitlin) Traveller was played, fun was had! Next Year In Morgantown!
- After-Action Report: Traveller at DunDraCon 2019 (Joshua Levy) Other Cons do Traveller, too
- After-Action Report: TravCon 19 (UK) (Timothy Collinson) Many firsts, much fun.
- After-Action Report: TravellerCON/USA 2019 (Jeff Zeitlin) Fun Was Had, and Not All Traveller Games Are RPGs
- After-Action Report: TravCon 20 (UK) (Timothy Collinson) Fun was had. Plenty of it.
- After-Action Report: Squadron Strike Playtest (Ken Burnside) Ship-level tactical battles
- After-Action Report: Ascent to Anekthor (Timothy Collinson) A virtual game that worked out well
- After-Action Report: Virtual Traveller 2020 (Jim Vassilakos) A weekend of online gaming can work
- Virtual Traveller 2020: An After-Action Report (Timothy Collinson) Virtual Traveller, but a real experience
- After-Action Report: TravellerCON/USA 2021 (Jeff Zeitlin) The return of in-person TravellerCONs
- North Star V - After-Action Report (Timothy Collinson) Not TravCon, but fun and Traveller was had
- TravellerCON/USA 2022 After-Action Report (Jeff Zeitlin) New games were playtested and fun was had
- After-Action Report: TravellerCON/USA 2023 (Jeff Zeitlin) Fun was had, and so were interesting panel discussions
- After-Action Report: TravCon (UK) 2024 (Timothy Collinson) The British TravCon returns, with much fun.
- After-Action Report: TravellerCON/USA 2024 (Jeff Zeitlin) World-building, and a cinematic Crowded Hour, with the rest of the fun.
- When Worlds Collide: AAR Holy Rood Games Night: One Crowded Hour (Timothy Collinson) Introducing Traveller to new players
- After-Action Report: Mission to Mithril (Holy Rood Games Night II) (Timothy Collinson) Freelance Traveller’s “Newbie Referee” runsa game like a veteran.
- The Shavian Empire Campaign
The Foible Federation Campaign both by Ken Pick - This set of stories takes place in an alternative Traveller
setting. See Other Roads for
more information.
Shaw's Folly - So did the Shavian Empire and the Foible Federation make First Contact.
Damn Pit Spiders! - This was not the way a deal should have gone...
The Low Crusade - 'Player-Character' just might mean 'stupid'.
The Saga of the Free Trader Boxcars - On the frontier, survival just might be profitable...
The Ballad of the Privateer Cookieduster - A one-of-a-kind ship on one-of-a-kind adventures
Brotherhood of the Coast - Betrayal has its price...