Less Dangerous Game
It is often said that man - or, in this case, the sophont being - is the most dangerous game one can find oneself in a confrontation with. This section, as its title implies, contains information on less dangerous game for the player-characters to confront.
- Bardicant (Benedikt Schwarz)
- Bezel-De (Bill Cameron) Kill it on sight - but will you see it in time?
- Bread Worms (Cian Witheren) Arthropods as sandwich wrappers
- Bughunter (Martin Carter) Less dangerous, more annoying
- Chupacabra (Tom Bladon) A predator with a long history of conspiracy theories
- Damnthing (Scott Diamond) An encounter with this fish had better not be a CASUAL encounter...
- Devil Squirrel (Scott Diamond) The mob is poisonous.
- Dombrowski's Lion (Scott Diamond) Seen or unseen, an undesirable encounter
- Echmerial and Incorial (Benedikt Schwarz) A riding animal and a pet, but closely related.
- Falgaatu and Falgaat Nahr (Benedikt Schwarz) A visual 'kissing cousin' to the manta ray
- Parasite: Mercurial Fluke (Tom Bladon) A parasite that can affect humans, though it targets certain wildlife
- Four From the Jungle (Timothy Collinson) Birds, bugs, and vegetation
- Garinars (Graham Bayley) A canny pack predator
- Grass Manta (Scott Diamond) An amphibious apex predator with the ability to fly.
- Harpooner (Scott Diamond) A predator less dangerous to humans than its prey
- Jump Remora (Timothy Collinson) Ships claim to encounter them in jump, but what are they?
- Kellika (Benedikt Schwarz) Not what is generally meant by 'invasion from Zho space'.
- Collinson's Kirpi (Timothy Collinson) An exotic variant of an uncommon pet
- Korvan Puma and Korvo Cat (Ken Pick) The Pet of Kings
- Leliax (Benedikt Schwarz) Visually attractive, but dangerous
- Marsh Animals (Scott Diamond) From the aggressive to the inoffensive
- Pikerines (David Bradshaw) Intelligent (but not sophonts) and aggressive birds
- Plain Mental (Timothy Collinson) Four animals from the plains - three of which have psionic ability
- Podge (Scott Diamond) Domesticated, a wonderful pet. Undomesticated, don't mess with them.
- Eightball Puppeteer (Scott Diamond) Luring its prey into its clutches in a most sophisticated way
- Red Spiny Runner (Sarah and Scott Diamond) Sought for both pets and painkillers
- Revvil (Benedikt Schwarz) Insectoids can be more than just slightly annoying...
- The Rhabdomane (Paul Drye) An invasive species that changes the environment to suit itself
- Rudur (Benedikt Schwarz) A calm and revered omnivore, or a carnivorous killer
- Saphirean Running Owl (Benedikt Schwarz) A popular pet, and a self-maintaining substitute for a densitometer...
- Sargmay (Benedikt Schwarz) An attractive not-a-bird.
- Shaduquaram (Benedikt Schwarz) A big lump, mostly harmless. Mostly.
- Three Shipborne Sightings of Animals (Timothy Collinson) Three common ship animals
- Skrafolg (Benedikt Schwarz) A scavenger whose external symbiote digests for it
- Spindizzy (Scott Diamond) Floating gasbags with a sting
- Squeedles (Jane Polwin, stats by Timothy Collinson) Good pet, good eating, or nuisance?
- The Swagfoxx: Fuzzy Nuisance of the Spaceways (Jeff Wheeler) A foxlike hexapod with jackdaw-like characteristics
- Ushamaagian Dryad (Benedikt Schwarz) Fungus-eating trees that like droyne
- Victoria Glider-Wolf (Scott and Sarah Diamond) If your prey flies, shouldn't you?
- Yenner (Benedikt Schwarz) Both a nuisance and a farmer