#Traveller and #LoneStar are both managed by Freelance Traveller editor Jeff Zeitlin, who can be found in-channel as "FreeTrav". At the present time, there are no assistant managers, but Jeff would welcome inquiries if traffic in the channels picks up.
As a bit of whimsy, the channels have been given a 'starport bar and cafe' motif; your bartender is Brubek. You might want to familiarize yourself with his commands and triggers.
Beginning in May 2002, there have been and will be occasional 'scheduled topic' chats. These chats will be announced in-channel, on the Traveller Mailing List, and on the SFRPG, Mongoose, and Citizens of the Imperium forums. A list of topics for these chats appears below. Chats are currently planned as 'open mic' chats; if this proves problematical, active moderation will be imposed. We hope you'll find the topics interesting, and that you'll participate.
In October 2003, a bridge was established between the two channels. Both communities responded well to this, and we encourage people to come visit us on either channel.
In July 2006, Freelance Traveller began offering a pure HTTP/Javascript interface to #Lonestar, but somewhere along the line, that stopped working. While we recommend using a 'real' IRC client (see below), late in 2018, Per-Olof Bergstedt, the owner of The Zhodani Base website, offered us links to his web-based IRC client (from kiwiirc) for #traveller.
You can find widely-recommended IRC clients at the sites below. There are other clients as well.
- Windows
- mIRC, http://www.mirc.co.uk
- XChat, http://www.xchat.org or http://www.silverex.org/news/
- Linux
- XChat, http://www.xchat.org
- Mac (OS 9 or earlier)
- Ircle, http://www.ircle.com (OS 7 or later)
- Mac (OS X or later)
- Ircle, http://www.ircle.com (OS X.1 or later)
- Snak, http://www.snak.com (OS X.2 or later)
Previously Held Chats
Click on the highlighted title to see the transcript.
24 May 2002 - Aliens - A discussion on near-human and non-human sophonts from non-Traveller game supplements and non-gaming literature - which ones would you like to see in Traveller, and why you think they'd be a good fit for Traveller.
13 Aug 2004 - IMTU - A discussion on what sort of divergences from 'Canonical Traveller' GMs have used.
8 Oct 05 - Writing for Publication - A discussion of what the prospective writer should expect, told from both the writer's and editor's views. By specific request, the transcript of this chat will not be posted or otherwise made available.
Scheduled Chats and Topics
There are currently no chats scheduled. Chat dates/times will usually be posted in United States Eastern Time (local time for New York) and UTC; you can convert to your local time at http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc.
Proposed Topics
- Creating Starships
- Creating Worlds
- Creating Vehicles (other than starships)
- Non-gaming references useful for gaming
- Available software tools for Traveller
- IMTU: How different can it be and still be Traveller?
- Traveller in Miniature (using miniatures in Traveller)
- Strategic Wargaming in the Traveller milieu
- Character Generation for beginners
- Equipping the character/party for beginners
- Sources of Inspiration for Traveller
- Role-playing, not roll-playing
- Playing without hack-and-slash
- The role of conflict in the campaign
- Gaming as storytelling or story creation
- Creating Aliens
- Creating Human Aliens
- The "Rubber Suit" Problem - How Alien Can Aliens Be?
Note that topics previously selected for chats may be revisited