For money or for fun; for emotional excitement, mental stimulation, or physical exercise, games are a part of almost every culture. In these pages, we look at some of the games that have caught the fancy of Freelance Traveller's freelance writers.
- Goekh Engravuenda (James Robinson) A Vargr extreme sport.
- Darbol (Jeff Zeitlin) Accuracy counts
- Dhe (Anders Backman) A fast-paced gambling game popular in the coreward areas.
- Gyro-Ball (Jeff Zeitlin) Agility and a good sense of spatial perception required.
- Kerx (Jeff Zeitlin) A simple board game from the spin-rimward areas.
- K'kree Racing Sports (Thomas Jones-Low) They aren't horses, and they don't race like them.
- Mutamask Games (Les DeGroff) A party game where you don't know what the others see.
- Old Reliables (Sam Swindell) Beyond flight simulators
- Po-arbaee-pa (Michael Smith) For Bwaps, business competition is a sport...
- Sekhoma (Jeff Zeitlin) A card game from the trailing areas of the Imperium.
- TravFuda (William Hostman) A Traveller-rethemed variant of Hanafuda.
- Universe (Alan Spik) The side bets are where the action is.