Freelance Traveller Contests
Freelance Traveller Contests are challenges to our visitors to come up with an article for our site that meets certain criteria, defined in each contest statement. This section contains the contest statements for each contest, and links to the winning entries
All entries are submitted by email to Freelance Traveller; once the entry deadline has passed, the entries are anonymized and posted to all forums where visitors have been declared eligible to participate. Anyone on those forums may vote on which one they feel is the best, by giving each entry a score of 0 to 5. When voting is closed, the entry that has accumulated the greatest number of points is declared the winner, and put up on our website.
Contest 2008-01: In A Store Near You Create a Consumer Good. -
Contest 2008-02: Jump Destination Create a world based on the UWP A6369A5-D 304 -
Contest 2008-03: Ship's Locker Come up with interesting ... stuff ... that's in the Ship's Locker -
Contest 2008-04: Armed and Dangerous Design a personal weapon. -
Contest 2008-05: Handle With Care Design a hazardous cargo -
Contest 2008-06: Patronage Describe a patron, and a job that that patron needs done. -
Contest 2008-06A: Games People Play Invent a game.