Freelance Traveller makes absolutely no representations, guarantees, or warranties in any connection with any software listed here; all software is downloaded and used at the user's own risk. Freelance Traveller does not provide user or technical support for any software listed here; contact the authors for more information. If we are advised that a program is absolutely unfit for use or distribution (e.g., unusably full of bugs, distribution contains virus, etc.), we will remove it and all links to it from our site.
If you see this symbol next
to the link to the program, it means that someone has given us a review of
the program. Click on the symbol to see the reviews.
If you wish to review a program listed here, go right ahead, even if someone else has already reviewed it. Send your review to
If a link to a program fails to work, click on the Author or Distributor link in the description to go to the author's/distributor's home page, where you might find more accurate links to the file. Freelance Traveller will make an effort to keep all links up to date, but we're only human, and may slip from time to time.
Some software originally submitted as being for MS-DOS or Windows, such as certain spreadsheet-based ship designers, can now be run on multiple platforms due to widespread support for the spreadsheet format. These spreadsheets are listed on the multi-platform programs list.
Program Name and Link |
Description |
2.4 (6,309,999 bytes) (Link is to author’s web page for program, which includes links to additional sectors) |
Galactic is a star-mapping utility for
Traveller, and more. You can keep notes and records in text files
attached to sectors, subsectors, or worlds; save maps as BMP files;
display subsectors and sectors on VGA displays; generate new sectors
randomly; update existing information; and more. Hooks are provided so
that you can write your own add-in programs, and some useful add-ins are
included with the package. Author: Jim Vassilakos Freeware, IBM. Source code included (QuickBASIC) |
Name Generator (190,893 bytes) |
The Logicrucible Name Generator is a
configurable random-word generator suitable for generating words or
names in any language that the user can define rules for. The program
ships with eight rule sets, plus some extensively commented rules files
to provide enough information to allow the user to define additional
sets. Author: Logicrucible, Inc. (Defunct, file hosted on Freelance Traveller) Abandonware (was shareware, $0; program includes ads for other company products), IBM. No source |
StarSys (2.09 MBytes) |
A companion to HexMap (see below), StarSys
develops a basic Traveller world statistic along the path first
introduced in Book 6: Scouts, one of the last
of the Little Black Books (Classic Traveller). It produces a listing
file in text format with all the usual goodies plus a few extra -
gravity, gas giant and asteroid stats, Sky Rigs, true diameters, day and
year lengths, tradecodes and temperatures. Author: Hugh Foster Freeware, IBM (Windows 95/NT). No Source |
HexMap (72 KBytes) |
HexMap is a Visual Basic program which
reads a file containing subsector information and displays a pukha
subsector map. It runs best on an 800x600 display, and can print snazzy
starmaps in several formats.The current version of HexMap (5.4) now
displays detailed UWP explanations, can cope with a 640x480 screen
display, and reads, allows notes editing for and prints the data files
used by Jim Vassilakos' Galactic (see above). Author: Hugh Foster Freeware, IBM (Windows). Requires VBRUN300.DLL. No Source |
Traveller Character Generator (700 KBytes) |
A Visual Basic program to generate
MegaTraveller characters using the detailed (Mercenary, High Guard)
system. Many, many races and careers are catered for; output can be
saved as text files, printed, etc. Automatic facilites are provided to
enable rapid generation for NPC creation, and "cheat codes" for those
with specific requirements. Author: Hugh Foster Freeware, IBM (Windows). Requires VBRUN300.DLL. No Source |
Galactic Utilities (60 KBytes) (Note: Link temporarily dead; inquiry to author awaiting response) |
A DOS-based standalone EXE which provides
extra facilities for the Galactic program produced by Jim Vassilakos.
This will be upgraded regularly, but at the moment it will search on
Name, Homeworld Codes, UWP - part or full - allegiance or Notes. Author: Hugh Foster Freeware, IBM. No Source |
Character Generator (392 KBytes) more info |
Character generation program for
MegaTraveller and compatible systems. Includes a wide range of races and
careers. Author: Gregory Svenson Freeware, IBM. Source available (multiple files available from this page) (C) (Note: Links to pages are on Wayback Machine pending relocation of author's website. Software (but not source) is hosted by Freelance Traveller. The source available above may represent an earlier version of the program) |
World Generator
(4MB) |
A program for generating star systems using
the rules from a combination of rule sets. Author: Douglas Glatz Freeware, IBM (Windows95). Source available (Visual BASIC, version not known). Project files available (email author). Update Available (see instructions on web page). |
World Builder Deluxe (4.5MB) |
Allows the user to generate World Details,
Encounter Tables, Psionic Institutes Profile and Economic Profile for a
given UWP. The UWP can be entered manually, generated randomly or
selected from a Sector File. The information is generated from the rules
provided in the MT World Builders Handbook, T4 Rulebook, T4 Psionic
Institutes and T4 Pocket Empires.Allows user to load in Sector Files
(*.SEC) and TrTools Files (*.UWP). Author: Stuart W. Ferris Freeware, IBM (Windows95/98/NT). No source. |
Traveller Navigator
This is essentially a set of Windows help
files with sector data for five sectors, covering the pre-Rebellion and
New Eras. Each sector includes clickable subsector maps, and general
library data including ship specifications. Author: Planet Three Software (defunct; hosted at Freelance Traveller) Freeware, IBM (Windows). Requires support for Microsoft Windows 3.1 help files and 16-bit DLLs. |
MegaTraveller 1: The Zhodani
Conspiracy Program (517KB) Manual (97K) Tips and Solution (8K) |
One of the early crossover products between
RPGs and Adventure games. You must thwart the invasion of alien Zhodani
by finding the renegade who has been supplying arms to them. It's a very
skill-intensive game that focuses more on character development and
combat. Author: Paragon Software (defunct; hosted at Freelance Traveller) Freeware (Abandonware), IBM. No Source. |
MegaTraveller 2: Quest For The
Ancients Program (1700K) Manual (175K) |
The sequel to MegaTraveller 1
surpasses its predecessor in every respect: sharp VGA graphics, more
detailed character creation, and vastly improved gameplay. Although
still set in the MegaTraveller universe, the plot is different each
time: your party is now assigned to find secrets of the mysterious alien
race Ancients. Highly recommended for sci-fi RPGers who prefer
skill-based character development and combat more than solving puzzles. Author: Paragon Software (defunct; hosted at Freelance Traveller) Freeware (Abandonware), IBM. No Source. |
Heaven and Earth (4.5MB) |
A successor program to World Builder
Deluxe, Heaven and Earth is capable of generating extensive data,
including maps, for all of the major bodies in an entire sector,
including satellites. It also maintains the functionality of World
Builder Deluxe, and is compatible with its files. Author: Stuart W. Ferris Freeware, IBM (Windows95/98/NT). No source. Requires presence of Internet Explorer 4 or later, or SHDOCVW.DLL. |
Generator (2MB) |
Star Generator is a star system generator
for Sci-Fi RPGs. It includes things like binary systems, asteroids,
atmospheric composition, unusual planet characteristics (rings, native
life, high tides...), day and night temperatures and/or quantity of
mineral resources. Author: "Aina" Freeware, IBM (Windows98/2000/XP). Source available (Pascal/Delphi). |
StarGen (1MB) |
StarGen generates star system profiles as
HTML pages, based on refinements of several algorithms developed and
refined over the past 30 years. Author: Jim Burrows Freeware, IBM (Windows98/2000/XP). Source available (C/C++, Visual C++ recommended) |
Planet Generator (165 KB) |
This fractal planetary image generator
produces realistic-appearing planetary images in several graphic format. Author: Jim Burrows and Torben Ęgidius Mogensen Freeware, IBM (Windows98/2000/XP). Source available (C). Documentation is in source archive. |
If you know of any software that you think may be of interest to our readership, and which you don't see listed here, let us know through our Feedback page or by sending e-mail to Please include as much of the following information as you can, in order of importance:
- The name and version (if known) of the program
- A brief description of the program
- The name of the author(s)
- The type of system it runs on, including minimum levels if known
- Any additional programs needed (e.g., Excel, QBASIC, Galactic, etc.)
- Cost of program
- Size of download