These are not full adventures in themselves, but core ideas for adventures - in other words, a way to get a campaign off the ground, whether it's a brand-new campaign, or one that has stalled.
- The 200T False Trader (Richard Huxton) Perhaps salvaging more than they asked for
- The Afflicted (Michael Brown) Forclosure is never pleasant.
- Amber Tours, Ltd. (Colin Michael) Why is an Amber Zone apparently a green light for tourism?
- Apinanto Assist (Ewan Quibell) The “fuel truck driver” is overdue...
- Banking the Break (Michael Viviano) They have payment problems, but the bank doesn't want to repo the ship.
- Beached (J.E. Geoffrey) It came out of Jump... and sat silent...
- The Benedict Advance (Michael Brown) Find his fiancee.
- Border Crossing (Jonathan McDermott) A common name leads to uncommon problems...
- The Boys in Blue (Timothy Collinson) From 'showing the flag' to 'Oops, gotta run!'
- Buying Trouble (Jeffrey Schwartz) Some contracts that may not be as good as they look
- Cadre Ticket (Dan Long) First you learned it, now you teach it.
- Cat and Mouse (Michael A. Cessna) Can he get away with the hijacking?
- Collector's Edition (Jens Rydholm) "Printed Matter" covers - or covers up? - a lot.
- The Color of Monks' Robes (Dwayne Walstrom) The river may be the key to peace.
- Combat Logistics (Michael A. Cessna) Botched diplomacy, continued
- Concrete (Michael Brown) Protecting the dam repair team.
- The Conservator (Michael Brown) Helping the cows come home
- Corp World (Joel Callahan) Mass firings that look like emergency evacuations - just what's going on?
- Coup (Jeff Zeitlin) When friendly territory becomes suddenly hostile...
- Crimson Folly (Sam Swindell) Looking for buy-ins.
- The Crow (Michael Hughes) This is for the birds...
- The Cumulus Course (Michael Brown) Even IFR isn't good enough.
- Dead Hand (Jeffrey Schwartz) All they need is a signature
- Deliver Medicine (P-O
Bergstedt) help with a plague
- Diplomatic Heavyweights (J.E. Geoffrey) An urgent call for diplomatic transport could become ... interesting.
- Easter Island (Joel Callahan) A scientist needs help to research a pet theory.
- Elegance Never Forgotten (Michael Brown) Accompanied by arrogance
- Evening Star (Bill Cameron) An overnight pleasure cruise has complications.
- An Explosive Situation (Michael Hughes) An adventure seed that starts off with a bang
- Extraction (John G. Wood) A food fight leads to a request for asylum.
- Flitho 314 (Jim Kundert) It's definitely art... but whose?
- Food, Glorious Food (Michael Hughes) Are you gonna eat that?
- Forest for the Trees (Benjamin Pew) The better half IS in the bush.
- Formerly Known As... (Michael Brown) Is he who he used to be?
- From the Source (J.E. Geoffrey) The patron didn't want to pay retail.
- The Galactic Gourmet (Michael Brown) A Cook's tour may be more than a Cook's Tour.
- The Game Is Afoot: Consulting Detective Adventure Seeds (Timothy Collinson) A set of three-pipe problems...
- Game On (Timothy Collinson) The rivalry itself may be an adventure.
- Gamma World (Joel Callahan) A devastated world is the scene for a fast retrieval mission.
- The Gun (Joel Callahan) What you find may come in handy...
- In Small Packages (Louis Wester) Even in the far future, software bugs must be fixed...
- Instant Murder Mystery for the Grey (Timothy Collinson) Crossing from Adventure Seed to Prep Room discussion: How to write a murder
- The Kidnapping of Major L. Fure'du (Donald Hahn) Can the winery be saved?
- Look Away Home (Michael Brown) Her daughter's gone, along with most of her money...
- The Miasma (Michael Brown) An industrial accident could kill people miles away
- The Marrying Kind (Michael Brown) Is the bride price really a bargain? Is the bride?
- The Medicine Man (Michael Brown) There was a doctor in the house, but he's gone
- Mind Games: Four Psionic Seeds (Timothy Collinson) Psions can have adventures, too
- The Missed Interview (David Johnson) Why did she miss it?
- Muckraker (Michael Brown) He intends to get his story.
- New Bermuda (J.E. Geoffrey) There needs to be Something Out There...
- Noble Actions (Jeffrey Schwarz with Jeff Zeitlin) Nobles need not be patrons to be part of an adventure.
- The Old Ship (Jack Mitcham) Centuries old, putting out a call...
- Ordnance (Michael Brown) An unpleasant thing to find attached to your hull.
- Organized Opposition (Bruce Johnson) A Conspiracy Theory...
- Out of Bounds (James Catchpole) Going there can have repercussions.
- Overland Express (Tod Glenn) When it absolutely, positively, has to get there
- Patronage (Frank Mikes) An investigative reporter needs help.
- The Picture (Dwayne Walstrom) A request for private courier service isn't anything to worry about ... is it?
- A Planet Is Born (Chris Keelan) And it's a violent birth...
- Prototype (Joel Callahan) Corporate intrigue leads to profit or peril
- Prototype (Joel Callahan) Golden Goose, or White Elephant?
- Red Zone (Louis Wester) A difficult retrieval...
- Reliquary (Nick Walker) Consecrating a church
- Return to Sender (Jens Rydholm) Every little bit helps...
- Riot Act (Bruce Johnson) A riot is good cover...
- Shanghaied (Richard Morey) His son was hired, but not voluntarily.
- The Silver Panthers (Jo Jaquinta) “Dry” jobs only, and you might never actually meet them.
- Something Fishy (Jens Rydholm) Wilderness refueling really does stink, sometimes.
- Spacer Hill (J.E. Geoffrey) An uneasy final rest.
- Spotter (Guy Garnett) Why is he so interested in the ship?
- Survey (Richard Morey) Is there anything else that SuSAG will want?
- Swamp Colony (Michael Hughes) Driving and drinking still don't mix...
- Sweet Piece (Louis Wester) A 'sweet piece' isn't a piece of candy...
- Sweet SSUITE (Sam Swindell) A scout is looking for help to bring an idea to market.
- The Sylan Extraction (Jim Vassilakos) The journalist wasn't as discreet as he should have been, and now wants your help to save his sources.
- Take The Money And Run (Michael Hughes) They couldn't win the peace
- Tears (Joseph Paul) The evidence is that history is wrong.
- This Stinks (Richard Honeycutt) A seemingly minor accident has major repercussions...
- Thomas's Theorem (J. Fernando Martín "Dr. Alban") Protecting the children at a psi school. Translated from the Spanish original.
- Adventure Seeds for Travellers' Aid Society Characters (Greg Alan Caires) The TAS doesn't just enable adventures, sometimes they're part of them.
- The Travelling Gourmet (Joel Callahan) The Video Chef makes life interesting.
- The Umbra Retribution (Michael Brown) Revenge can be profitable - or expensive
- Two Patron Encounters for Traveller (Jim Vassilakos) Twp deals that may be less than wise to accept
- Two Patron Encounters: Shtiz Bralzastebr (Timothy Collinson) What does this Zhodani really want?
- Unfit (Richard Aiken) The party must "escort" the envoy that is the means to put pressure on the noble that is about to name the wrong heir.
- Unfixed (Bill Cameron) The PCs are asked to lengthen short odds.
- Uprooted (Michael Hughes) A different Arbor Day
- Van-Go-Go-Go (James Huron) A hot art collection
- The Weather Room (Joel Callahan) Making the spacer's home-away-from-home into the vacation-spot-away-from-vacation-spot
- A Whale of a Cargo (Joel Callahan) Literally.
- The Wing Wherewith We Fly (Michael Brown) When education is contraband, so are educators.
- A Zhdantian Trader in the Sacnoth Dominate (David Johnson) Ex-diplomats don't normally go into business...
In addition to the above adventures created by contributors, "Steve D" (Steven John Darlington) has come up with some outlines for Firefly episodes, based on the titles of Elton John songs. As presented, they're good for adventures in a Traveller-like setting, so we decided to include the link here (it will open in a new tab or window in your browser; just close it to come back here): (Whoops! Link rot has set in! Fortunately, it's on the wayback machine, at -ed.) Thanks to Ken Pick for finding these!