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The Far Colony

This was the featured article in the July/August 2024 issue.

New Rome, Glisten Subsector, Spinward Marches sector of the 3rd Imperium

‘The Far Colony’ is a multi-faceted adventure for Traveller, in that the Players are trying to establish a colony on a planet, Dawnworld/District 268, just now opened for settlement. This sort of thing has been done tens of thousands of times in the history of Humaniti, so it should be relatively easy…

There are several different groups observing this operation, however, and their interplay with each other is what will make or break the colony’s success.


The following are a list of NPCs directly involved in the colony-seeding operation. It is strongly recommended that none of these NPCs be played as Player-Characters:

Princess Marie Nouveau D’Estange-Alkhalihoi

32 years old, single. Princess Marie is a distant relation to Emperor Strephon Aella Alkhalihoi, and is currently touring the Spinward Marches at his behest. A long-time supporter of the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service, Princess Marie is eager to witness an actual colony-seeding operation in progress. She carries an Imperial Warrant from Strephon, giving her extraordinary authority in emergencies, to be used at her discretion.

Fleet Admiral Lord Ghalkhrin hault-Aggashiriak

59 years old, married, Marquis Mertactor. Fleet Admiral hault-Aggashiriak is accompanying Princess Marie as Dawnworld rests in his Subsector, and he wants to personally oversee the settlement of loyal colonists there. He is accompanied by his two aides (an Imperial Marine Force Commander and an Imperial Navy 1st Lieutenant), and a detail of four enlisted Marines and six Imperial Navy ratings.

Captain Sir Belmeade Steiner-Horanovsky, Imperial Marines

35 years old, single. Captain Sir Belmeade is a veteran Marine officer and holder of the Starburst for Extreme Heroism. Currently commanding officer of Company ‘G’ of the elite 5th Imperial Marine Assault Regiment (renowned as the oldest-serving regiment in Human space), Capt. Sir Belmeade is a tough, dedicated officer, fanatically loyal to the Imperium. His company has been selected as escorts for Princess Marie.

Senior Captain Simon Nakata

63 years old, divorced. Sailing Master and Captain of the Tukera Lines rider-transporter Yabu Maru, out of Trin/Trin’s Veil. Senior Captain Nakata is a 33-year veteran of Tukera operations in the Spinward Marches, and commanded a raiding flotilla of privateers that made several deep strikes into Zhodani space during the 4th Frontier War.

Sir Kevin Marchant, Order of the Emperor’s Guard

47 years old, single. A ‘trouble-shooter’ for the Imperial Throne for two decades, Sir Kevin is largely responsible for brokering the deal to allow the Novi Romani to emigrate to Dawnworld, thus defusing a potentially serious problem. When the colony is solidly emplaced, he will accompany Princess Marie back to Capitol, where he will report directly to the Emperor. A long-time intelligence agent, Sir Kevin possesses two one-time-use ‘Argon Blue’ Naval codes; these will allow him immediate access to any Imperial facility or base, and support from such locations. He also holds a very broad Imperial Warrant, superior in authority to Princess Marie’s; he will not use either of these tools, except in the direst of circumstances.

Count Vladimir Kharkovskii

52 years old, married. The representative of the Duchess of Glisten, Count Vladimir is along to ensure that there are no complaints from the Novi Romani dissidents. He is also to ensure that the Gallowglass Legion fulfills its contract to the Duchess to the letter.

Consul Gaius Iunius Valerian
Consulae Livia Marii Scutae

The currently serving Consuls (Leaders) of the Novi Romani colonists. Forty-five and fifty-two years of age, respectively, they are both veterans of Imperial service – Gaius Iunius, in the Unified Army of Glisten and Livia Marii in the Subsector Fleet of Glisten. Although each was elected for a six-year term, their terms overlap: Gaius Iunius will be the Senior Consul for another thirteen months. They, and the 84 members of the Novi Romani Senate accompanying them will remain awake during the journey to the settlement on Dawnworld. (The remaining sixteen members of the Senate and the third Consul, Marcus Clodius Sulpicious will remain on New Rome to oversee the transport of the remaining Novi Romani.)

The Situation

A brewing rebellion has been defused by the adroit political savvy of an Imperial Knight, Sir Kevin Marchant. The ‘Novi Romani’, a socio-political faction on the planet of New Rome (0308 Glisten/Spinward Marches), has long been opposed to the direct rule of their world by the Duchy of Glisten. This insipient unrest had threatened to erupt into open revolt – until Sir Kevin mediated a deal that has resolved the issue.

In the deal, the Novi Romani faction will be allowed to withdraw from New Rome with all of their assets (both personal, industrial and financial) intact, so long as their withdrawal is peaceful. The Novi Romani, numbering roughly 100,000 sophonts in total, will establish a colony on the planet Dawnworld (0701 District 268/Spinward Marches). The initial settlement of 20,000 colonists will be overseen by a Princess of the Blood (Princess Marie Nouveau D’Estange-Alkhalihoi), and will be observed by a number of Imperial functionaries. (Although certainly not stated implicitly, the escort of the Novi Romani’s vessel by an Imperial Naval squadron and a Princess of the Blood is a veiled warning to the Duchess of Glisten to take more care in her local affairs.)

While many of the Novi Romani are military veterans, they have never worked together as a unit. Therefore, their ‘Senate’ decided to hire a reputable mercenary unit, the Gallowglass Legion (a self-transporting, reinforced company) as both an initial security element, and as a training unit to assist in the formation of the first real military units for the colony.

The colonists, the majority in low berths, will be transported to Dawnworld aboard standard transport pods docked to a Tukera Lines rider transport, the Yabu Maru. Because of the somewhat unique nature of this affair, several things about it have the Imperial Navy and Scout Service (both of whom have teams along to observe) intensely interested.

Due to the fact that the Novi Romani turned out to have vast financial resources at their disposal, they have spared no expense on this colony effort. They will arrive at Dawnworld with a complete (if very small) Class C starport, complete with an orbital component (made from a series of modules produced by Ling Standard Products), and plans for a large downport facility capable of handling up to 50 ships of up to 1000dtons per day. They have also purchased a small fleet of Jump-capable merchant and mining vessels to begin operations as soon as they have a port up and functioning.

If the Novi Romani can make their operation work, they will have a viable, self-sustaining colony in place and functional within 4 standard years. This would be an unequalled record for a non-corporate, civilian operation…and the Navy and the Scouts are watching closely.

The Novi Romani

The Novi Romani (usually called ‘NRs’) are an organization based on the principles (they claim) of the original settlers of New Rome.

Based on a ‘revivalist’ movement from Old Earth, the NRs base themselves on the perceived values of the long-vanished Roman Republic (called by the NRs the ‘Res Publica’).

Formed in 872 as the ‘loyal opposition’ to the former New Rome governments’ policies, and open to any sophont who professes loyalty to both NR and to the Imperium itself, the organization has long been a thorn in the side of the Duchess of Glisten, as they continually agitate for Home Rule for New Rome.

Every two years, the NRs elect one Consul to form the Triumvirate. Consuls serve for a six-year term, and may not serve consecutive terms. NRs ‘Cives’ are strongly encouraged to join the Imperial Armed Forces, and frequently distinguish themselves in Imperial service (over the last 165 standard years, known NRs have won 24 S.E.H.’s).

Although prevented from forming a militia by the Duchess, NR military veterans have numerous ‘strategy game’ clubs (called ‘Sodalities’), and sponsor sports teams in several areas on New Rome.

Those not suited for military service are encouraged to go into business, and NRs are known as hard – if fair – tradesmen all over the Sector. Virtually every firm connected to NR in some way usually sends ‘donations’, which is how they have been able to afford their equipment.

Imperial Intelligence (both Ministry of Justice and Naval) have concluded that the NRs present no threat to the Imperium itself – except where the potential exists for serious civil disruption related to their opposition to the Duchess of Glisten.

The Novi Romani ‘Grub-Stake’

When Sir Kevin brokered the agreement to prevent further discord, the NRs were ready. They had been quietly accumulating funds in a numbered account at the offices of Hortelez et Cie aboard Glisten Main that anyone could deposit to, but from which withdrawals could only be made with the physical and video signatures of all three sitting Consuls.

This account had existed since the year 1007, accruing interest.

With the brokering of the deal, the NR Consuls opened this account, and began buying equipment in massive quantities; megacorps like LSP, Instellarms, Tukera and others were more than happy to fill rush orders.

Among the purchases were two Empress Marava-class Far Traders, two East Indiaman-class Long Freighters, a pair of Type J Seekers, four Dragon-class SDBs, a complete (if very small) Class C starport (complete with an orbital component) to be assembled from LSP modules, a total of twenty 50dton LSP Modular Cutters, sixteen 100dton LSP ‘Jump Ship’ pods, numerous weapons and other assorted TL9-10 military equipment, several small semi-automated machine shops from Sternmetal Horizons, the contract for the Gallowglass, and a contract for the dedicated use of a rider-transporter from Tukera.

They have agreed that no more than a 10-person military staff will remain awake during the trip to Dawnworld.

The Gallowglass Legion

The Gallowglass Legion was formed from demobilized troops in the Rhylanor subsector following the end of the Fourth Frontier War. With roughly 200 personnel at any given time, the Legion has built a reputation for reliable service, performing Commando, Security and Cadre missions all over Imperial portion of the Spinward Marches often in cooperation with Imperial forces.

The Legion transports itself to and from contracts via the Broadsword-class PMSS (Private Military Star Ship) Kindjal, and two nominally civilian vessels of the East Indiaman-class (see Appendix 1), the Argosy and the Kraken. Unless otherwise needed, the Argosy and the Kraken make cargo runs within a Jump-2 radius of the Legions’ current station.

On this assignment, they are double-contracted: they have been hired by the Duchess of Glisten to ensure that the NRs do not break the seals on their mil-spec weaponry until their ship has departed the Glisten subsector, in addition to their aforementioned contract with the Novi Romani.

Enter the Marines

Due to the volatile nature of the mission, Spinward Marches Naval Command takes any potential threat to Princess Marie very seriously. As a result, they only agreed to allow Her Highness to travel aboard the colony ship if a Marine company – at least – was aboard. The company selected for this task is Company G, of the elite 5th Imperial Marine Assault Regiment.

Widely recognized in both Imperial and Solomani space as the longest-serving unit of its size, the 5th traces its origins all the way back to pre-spaceflight Terra, where it was part of another Corps of Marines.

During the early Interstellar Wars period, Terra’s various national Marine Corps’ were among the few command groupings that managed to cooperate effectively. As a result, Terran Confederation Naval Command had them in near-constant action during most of the period.

When the Ziru Sirka collapsed, Terran units found themselves spread very thinly over the vastness of the Ziru Sirka’s domains. Most of them tried to maintain their identities, but were eventually subsumed by their host worlds as garrison troops.

The 5th US Marine Regiment was different.

Officially stationed on Enid/0113, in Masillia Sector, when the Rule of Man (or the ‘Ramshackle Empire’) finally collapsed amid economic chaos, the 5th maintained its identity, creating an entire mythos based on its history. Local recruits who joined were informed that they were Imperial troops, even if they never left their world.

When the 3rd Imperium first made contact with Enid, they did not possess a specialized Marine Corps, but Cleon I jumped at the chance to have such a unit in the Imperial Forces…and over the last thousand years, the 5th has been in the forefront of most of the Third Imperium’s wars.

Now, in 1110, the 5th Marines are stationed in the Spinward Marches in individual companies, mostly near the Sword Worlds, conducting anti-piracy and peacekeeping operations. Company G, commanded by Captain Sir Belmeade Steiner-Horanovsky (who is currently on the Emperor’s List for Meritorious Promotion to Force Commander) for the past three years, is one of the Regiment’s ‘fire brigade’ companies.

Two hundred sixteen Marines and 38 Spacers are carried aboard the INSS Quala-Batoo, a Derna-class Patrol/Orbital Assault Ship. (See Appendix 1) Loaded out with six Astrin grav APCs and two Intrepid grav tanks, the ship can start a 40-man platoon planet-ward in less than two minutes. However, that is not the Quala-Batoo’s only deployment method. The Derna-class’s main feature is a drop capsule launcher that doubles as an orbital bombardment weapon.

All members of G company are equipped with Assault Battledress; the crew of the Quala-Batoo is equipped with unpowered armored vacc-suits.

The Yabu Maru

The Yabu Maru (See Appendix 1) is a Tukera Lines rider carrier, transporting non-Jump capable vessels (and occasionally low-Jump ships or raiders). Primarily a cargo hauler, the Yabu is one of a number of similar designs used since the founding of the Third Imperium.

Displacing two hundred thousand tons, the ship carries either forty 1000dton ‘lighters’, or larger numbers of smaller vessels. A ‘frontier’ design, the Yabu is capable of Jump-3 and 1-G Maneuver. It is equipped with 10 turrets, all with triple sandcasters, and has four-30dton ship’s boats for its own use.

Ships of the Yabu type are often used by colonial navies as naval auxiliaries, ferrying large numbers of troops and supplies into battle zones, but they are occasionally used to ferry jump-capable raiders deep into the enemy’s rear areas; this was Senior Captain Nakata’s specialty in the recent war.

The Nerewhon

A Cindrion-class yacht, the Nerewhon is the height of speed and luxury. Displacing 2000dtons, the ship has a streamlined, cone-shaped hull; its drives give it a performance of Jump 2 and 2-G. It has six very discrete turrets (three dual beam lasers and three dual sandcasters, organized in two batteries) that are recessed in the hull.

Richly appointed, the Nerewhon is Princess Marie’s personal vessel, and has accompanied her from Capitol, albeit mostly aboard other, higher-Jump transports. It contains suites for her 90-person retinue, as well as the 45-person crew.

Also along are teams of representatives from several megacorps: Hortelez et Cie, LSP, Sternmetal, GSbAG, Tukera, Naasirka, Makhidkarun, and several more, traveling aboard a 1000dton liner provided by LSP (much to Sternmetal’s dismay).


At 1630hrs New Rome Local the fleet, made up of the Yabu Maru and its riders, and a composite Imperial Navy squadron built around the Ghalakh-class Armored Cruiser Khadaashiramlii Amdbahktaduhm (“God-Like Thunder”), will jump from New Rome to Egypt (0107/Glisten) to begin the long journey to Dawnworld.

Soon after the Yabu Maru enters Jump, however, disaster strikes: a junior engineer approaches Princess Marie and, after expressing his “undying love” for her, activates a small, oddly-shaped device…

…Time appears to stop; everyone seems to freeze in place…

…And when everything starts back in motion, there is a bright flash, and the junior engineer is reduced to a smoldering heap of ashes…along with the small object he activated…

…It is then that Navigation reports that, not only is the Yabu not at Egypt, Navigation isn’t quite sure where they are…and there are no Imperial Navy ships nearby…

Referee Information Follows
Players should not read beyond this point!


The Yabu has misjumped. The ship, after four hours of frantic plots and re-plots by Navigation, will be found to have traveled over 2000 parsecs (or 7000 light years) – as measured from the borders of the Spinward edge of the Zhodani Consulate.

There is no possibility of returning to the 3rd Imperium:

Upon investigation of the junior engineer’s quarters, a private, hand-written journal will be discovered, which will reveal that the junior engineer was severely mentally unbalanced, and had developed an extreme infatuation for Princess Marie. He had referred frequently to “the Instrument of the Divine” – presumably the Ancient Artifact – and how he was certain that The Divine had ‘delivered’ the Princess to him so that she could marry him and together they would “free the galaxy from evil”.

Referees are advised that they should emphasize to their players the utter impossibility of attempting to travel back to Imperial Space.

New Home

The system the Yabu finds itself in contains eight planets orbiting a G8IVb main sequence star, two of which are habitable: one terrestrial world, and another, marginally habitable world at the outer edge of the ‘life zone’. There are three gas giants, one asteroid belt, and a dense Oort Cloud.

However, the sensors aboard the Quala-Batoo will reveal intelligent (if rather crude) electromagnetic-band signals coming from both habitable worlds, and from the icy rock-ball at the edge of the system. There is also ambient radiation throughout the system typical of very crude ‘dirty’ nuclear sublight drive systems; these readings will be concentrated near the outer planet.

Eventually, it will be noticed that someone on the planet is trying to contact the ships…

Lions and tigers and bears…

The signals are coming from a city on the main world called ‘Alanisport’, and will be in a very odd, derivative form of ‘spanglish’ – a fusion of languages known to exist at the beginning of the Interstellar Wars period on Earth, and a distant cousin to Galanglic.

The Imperials will be able to quickly determine that the signals come from the “Terran” Ambassador (!) to ‘Cibola’ (the ‘Terran’ name for the main world), who desperately wants to talk to them…

The Ambassador, ‘Seyhore’ Anton Guytriez, will explain that it is imperative that the Imperials avoid ‘contaminating’ the local population, and that he would prefer that they not land, but go elsewhere, as the other planet in the system is also inhabited by a primitive species, whose development will be “irreparably damaged” by “unmediated contact” with the Imperials.

At some point, Ambassador Guytriez will invite an Imperial party to Alanisport to discuss the situation further (Alanisport is actually the name of the Terran Embassy’s compound; the local city it sits in the midst of is called ‘Hashto-bandu-ii’). It will quickly become apparent that humans from “Terra” do, in fact, interact very closely with the inhabitants of ‘Gashnuviak’, the local name for the planet. These humans are ‘prevented’ from ‘contaminating’ the local population via a combination of drug-induced post-hypnotic suggestion…reinforced by electro-shock therapy. This ‘treatment’ prevents them from revealing details of technological advancements to the Gashnuvii…it does not, however, prevent them from doing anything else – like proselytizing religions, running confidence scams, mining precious metals, being ‘tourists’, etc. Having gone through the process himself, Ambassador Guytriez sees nothing wrong with it…

During this meeting, several Gashnuvii will be present as refreshment servers; the “Terrans” seem to take very little notice of them. One of them will surreptitiously pass a note to one of the Imperial party (preferably a PC), which explains in crude spanglish that he wants to go with them when they leave; how this is resolved is up to the players, but it should result in the ‘servant’ being taken aboard the Yabu.

The Gashnuvi is named Quinta-kyloc; he is of a rank roughly equivalent to Knight in his home kingdom…he is also a spy. He has a thorough knowledge of spanglish, and speaks five other local languages besides his own. He had taken a job as a servant in the Embassy to obtain intelligence on the ‘Terrans’; his state, the island kingdom of Anga-bandu, has been attacked by Terran security forces twice (he claims), in an attempt to stunt the Kingdom’s technological development. (This is true.)

Quinta-kyloc is a wealth of information on both Gashnuviak, and on ‘Terra’. If the Imperials raid the Terran computer systems (a very easy feat), they will be able to confirm much of Quinta-kyloc’s story…and much besides…

Terra Incongruous

The Embassy’s computer (TL 6/crude Model 1 equivalent) files will reveal some very basic – but highly interesting – bits of data:

The Gashnuvii

Gashnuviak (767870-4 [population figure is an estimate]) is a TL 4, heavily balkanized planet. The world’s landmasses are mostly lush and tropical, although there are extensive deserts in the northern parts of the two continental masses in the northern hemisphere.

The region Alanisport is centered on is an oblong continental landmass approximately the size of South America, which straddles the planetary equator. In its middle is a series of inter-connected seas, much like the Great Lakes system, only larger.

The following information can be learned from Quinta-kyloc (in rather a prosaic form):

Depending on players’ actions and decisions, Quinta-kyloc will gladly provide data on several states surrounding Anga-bandu (but will discuss Anga-bandu only in relatively vague terms). He will also relate all of his knowledge of the Terrans to the Imperials. If asked, Quinta-kyloc will explain freely that he is doing this to because he has come to believe that, while humans in general may not necessarily be bad people, the Terran Administration most certainly is. He decided to take a risk on the Imperials in the hope that they will help the Gashnuvii advance their lot in life (beginning with Anga-bandu, of course).

In addition to the above data, he will relate that most of Gorvahn-hok (the continent Alanisport sits on) was once united by a mighty empire, that collapsed from internal disputes “over a thousand years ago”. Interestingly, the seat of this empire was a city on a landmass forming one of the peninsula’s separating the Jangdadz Ocean from the Bharkoltz Sea.

The city, called ‘Khartos-bandu-J’AN’, now rules an area about the size of Earth’s Turkey – badly: the Great King is certifiably mad, the nobility is hopelessly corrupt, the mines are exhausted and the only reason the surrounding states have not devoured the ailing realm is that they are too busy fighting each other over more important matters. The general populace is crushed under the weight of the corrupt nobility: every time they rise in revolt, the nobles put the revolt down using savage mercenaries from the nomad tribes of the northern deserts. The peasantry’s only solace comes from a creed promulgated by village priests that salvation will come from “those on high”…

Also, he will relate sadly, the vast libraries of both the capitol and the main southern port city of Ha’-Choke-ti-banda are deteriorating rapidly, and manuscripts are lost every day, as there is little money or inclination to have scribes create certified copies (no Gashnuvi state is know to have a printing press; Quinta-kyloc will learn everything he possibly can about such a device if it is mentioned, and will offer almost anything to get one). This state of affairs is of great concern to Q’orani-kyloc-bandiij, Anga-bandu’s king, as his family has a theoretical claim to the throne of Khartos-bandu-J’AN, and he needs a certified copy of that lineage…the original of which lies somewhere in the Southern Archives…


The Imperials options are as follows:

  1. Acceed to Ambassador Guytriez’s demands: either find a way to transport the Novi Romani to another, uninhabited system, or agree to undergo ‘treatment’ before leaving Alanisport.
  2. Invade the planet.
  3. Attack Terra.
  4. A combination of the above.

Option 1 – in any form – should not be seriously considered, although someone is sure to bring it up. The remaining options should be played out with the following data points in mind:

Appendix 1: Starships

Conestoga-class Tender (Yabu Maru)
200,000 dton rider transport; can carry up to 40,000 dtons in external cradles
Jump 3, Man. 1
Derna-class Troop Transport (Quala-Batoo)
2000 dton Imperial Marine company-transport; six turrets (3×Triple Pulse Laser, 3×Triple Sandcaster), organized in two batteries; one spinal-mounted mass-driver, for orbital insertion and planetary bombardment (carries a total of 100×2m-diameter rockballs).
Jump 4, Man. 3
Cindrion-class Yacht (Nerewhon)
2000 dton luxury yacht; six recessed turrets (3×Dual Beam Laser, 3×Dual Sandcaster, organized in two batteries)
Jump 2, Man. 2
East Indiaman-class Liner (Argosy and Kraken)
Developed from the Type M Subsidized Liner, the East Indiaman-class is based directly on the MSS Vigilante from MegaTraveller
600 dtons, 6×Triple Turrets (2×Pulse Laser, 2×Missile, 2×Sandcaster, organized in three batteries), Cargo: 290 dtons
Jump 3, Man. 1
Broadsword-class Mercenary Cruiser (Kindjal)
Standard design; see CT Supplement 9: Fighting Ships and CT Adventure 7: Broadsword
Type J ‘Seeker’
Standard design; see CT Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats
Empress Marava-class Free Trader
Standard design; see CT Supplement 7: Traders and Gunboats