Steve Jackson Games has been licensed since 1998 to produce Traveller material that is compatible with their GURPS role-playing system. The background material produced follows an alternate time track from that of the 'official' Traveller milieu as defined by Game Designers' Workshop. They also produced some items for Classic Traveller.
GURPS Traveller Releases
e23 (Electronic releases for Traveller)
Classic Traveller
If you see this symbol next
to a title, it indicates that the item is reviewed in Freelance Traveller,
and you may read the review by following the link defined on the symbol.
GURPS Traveller
- GURPS Traveller
(1st Edition)
- GURPS Traveller (2nd Edition)
- Behind the Claw
- Alien Races 1: Zhodani and Vargr
- Star Mercs
- Far Trader
- First In
- Alien Races 2: Aslan and K'kree
- Starports
- Alien Races 3: Hivers and Droyne
- Rim of Fire
- Ground Forces
- GM's Screen
- Deck Plans 1: Beowulf-class Free Trader
- Modular Cutter
- Deck Plans 2: Modular Cutter
- Deck Plans 3: Empress Marava-class Far Trader
- Planetary Survey 1: Kamsii - The Pleasure Planet
- Planetary Survey 2: Denuli - The Shrieker World
- Alien Races 4
- Planetary Survey 3: Granicus - The Pirate Paradise
- Planetary Survey 4: Glisten - Jewel of the Marches
- Deck Plans 4: Assault Cutter
- Deck Plans 5: Sulieman-class Scout Courier
- Planetary Survey 5: Tobibak - The Savage Sea
- GURPS Traveller: Droyne Coyn set
- Planetary Survey 6: Darkmoon
- Heroes 1: Bounty Hunters
- Deck Plans 6: Dragon-class System Defense Boat
- GURPS Traveller 25th Anniversary Set (contains GURPS Traveller, Alien Races 1, GURPS Traveller GM Screen, Planetary Survey 1: Kamsii, GURPS Lite)
- GURPS Traveller: Humaniti
- GURPS Traveller Starships
- GURPS Traveller: Sword Worlds
- GURPS Traveller: Nobles
- GURPS Traveller Interstellar Wars (compatible with GURPS Fourth
(also available as an e23 release)
e23 (Electronic releases for Traveller)
This section does not include Comstar/Avenger products available through e23; those products will be listed under the Comstar/Avenger heading.
- 20-ton Launch
- 30-ton Ship's Boat Deckplan
- 40-ton Pinnace
- 600-ton Subsidized Liner
- GURPS Classic Traveller: Behind the Claw
- GURPS Classic Traveller: First In
- GURPS Classic Traveller: Starships
- GURPS Traveller Interstellar Wars Combat Counters
- Flare Star (Adventure)
- GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars
- GURPS Traveller: Psionic Institutes
- Best of the Journal of the Traveller's Aid Society (JTAS) Volume 1
Classic Traveller
These items were cardboard punch-outs useful as quick replacements for metal miniatures. Note that the current GURPS Traveller Deck Plans also include similar 'Cardboard Heros'.
- Soldiers of Fortune
- Imperial Marines
- Zhodani