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*Freelance Traveller

The Electronic Fan-Supported Traveller® Resource

Occasional Cargos

This system is intended for goods occasionally available on the current planet. The goods generated here could be in transit through the system, a minor local product, or a "quick and dirty" method of building local trade tables.

Once you have determined that a Good is available on the current planet, follow the following procedure to determine the type, quantity and cost.

  1. Procedure to Generate an Available Good (Cargo or Freight) on Current Planet
    1. Roll 1D100.
    2. Modify the roll according to the following table:
      Modifier Add To Roll
      TL0 to TL2 -15
      TL3 to TL5 -5
      TL6 to TL8 0
      TL9+ +10
      Starport B +10
      Starport A +15
    3. Transfer the Good Description and Special Handling Instructions from the Trade Items Table (at end of this document) to your worksheet.
    4. Calculate the Good Quantity using the Quantity column.
  2. Procedure to Determine the Estimated Resale Price of the Good when Sold by a Speculator (Cargo)
    1. If speculator has access to Trader skill:
      To estimate price of a Good
      Formidable. Trader, EDU or INT. 2 hours (Uncertain, preferably hidden).

      Referee: Easier if trader has previously been to planet, or has access to trade data for planet.

      On Spectacular Success, roll 3 dice from 3D6 now.
      On Success, roll 2 dice from 3D6 now.
      On Failure, roll 1 die from 3D6 now.
      On Spectacular Failure, roll no dice now, and if hidden, the GM is encouraged to provide the player with false information.

    2. Add all the Resale Modifiers for the matching Trade Codes listed for this planet (system) to the roll of allowed dice to determine the minimum, or base, Resale Price of the Good. The actual Resale Price of the Good will be determined when you attempt to sell it, so be sure to save this value and the number of dice rolled.
  3. Procedure to Determine the Cost to Purchase this Good on the Current Planet when Purchased by a speculator (Cargo)
    1. Add together all the Cost Modifiers for matching Trade Codes listed for this planet (system).
    2. Roll 3d6 + (sum of the Cost Modifiers), to determine the Percent Base Cost of this Good on this planet.
    3. If the Speculator has access to the Broker Skill:

      To Reduce Percent Base Cost of Good by 5%.

      Difficult. Broker, Charisma or Social. 1 hour.

      Note: Spectacular Success decreases Base Cost by 10%, Spectacular Failure increases Percent Base Cost by 10%.

    4. Increase Percent Base Cost by 1% if not buying the full quantity.
    5. Multiply Percent Base Cost by Quantity purchased to determine Full Cost of Good and reduce the speculator's credits by the Cost plus the cost of any Brokerage services.
  4. Procedure to Determine the True Resale Price of the Good on a Planet
    1. Have the player (or GM) roll any unrolled dice for this Good, and add the result to all pre-rolled dice.
    2. Add all the Resale Modifiers for the matching Trade Codes listed for this planet (system) to the dice total to determine the Percent Base Resale Price of this Good on this Planet.
    3. If the Speculator has access to the Broker Skill:

      To Increase Percent Base Cost of Good by 5%.

      Difficult. Broker, Charisma or Social. 1 hour.

      Note: Spectacular Success increases Base Resale Price by 10%, Spectacular Failure decreases Percent Base Resale Price by 10%.

    4. Decrease Percent Base Resale Price by 1% if not selling the full quantity.
    5. Multiply Percent Base Resale Price by Quantity sold to determine Full Resale Value of Good and increase the speculator's credits by the Cost minus the cost of any Brokerage services.
Value Table
Modified Roll Percentage of Base Value Modified Roll Percentage of Base Value
0 20 11 110
1 25 12 120
2 30 13 130
3 35 14 150
4 40 15 170
5 50 16 200
6 60 17 250
7 70 18 300
8 80 19 400
9 90 20 500
10 100    


Die Modifiers
TL0 to TL3 -15
TL4 to TL6 -5
TL9 or higher +10
Starport B +10
Starport A +15


Trade Items Table
Roll Description Base Price per m^3 Purchase DMs Resale DMs Quantity Available (m^3)
-14 Water 5 Va+4, De+2, Wa-3 Va+3, De+1, Wa-1 16d × 120
-13 Stone 10 Wa+2 Wa+2 14d × 100
-12 Raw Gems 7,000 In+4, NI-8, Po +3 In+4, NI-2, Ri+8 1d × 14
-11 Iron Ore 15 In-3, Ri-1, Po+1 In-3, Ri-1 5d × 140
-10 Rare Earths 50,000 In+5, Ri+1, Po-1 In+5 2d × 70
-09 Roll on Elements Table
-08 Raw Crystals 600 NA-3, In+4 NA-3, In+3, Ri+3 2d × 7
-07 Roll on Gasses Table
-06 Radioactive Element 120,000 In+7, NI-3, Ri+5 In+6, NI-3, Ri+3 1d × 14
-05 Lumber 30 Ag-6 Ag-6, Va+2, Ri+1 2d × 140
-04 Petroleum 1,500 NA-4, In+1, NI-5 NA-4, In+3, NI-5 6d × 70
-03 No entry
-02 Nitrogen Compounds 700 In-2, Ri-1 Ag+2, NA-2 5d × 70
-01 Grain 21 Ag-2, NA+1, In+2 Ag-2 8d × 70
00 Plant Fibers 11 Ag-7, NA-5, NI-3 Ag-6, NA+1, Ri+2 3d × 70
01 Water 5 Va+4, De+2, Wa-3 Va+3, De+1, Wa-1 16d × 120
02 Iron Ore 15 In-3, Ri-1, Po+1 In-3, Ri-1 5d × 140
03 Roll on Element Table
04 Radioactive Element 120,000 In+7, NI-3, Ri+5 In+6, NI-3, Ri+3 1d × 14
05 Stone 10 Wa+2 Wa+2 14d × 100
06 Raw Crystals 600 NA-3, In+4 NA-3, In+3, Ri+3 2d × 7
07 Raw Gems 7,000 In+4, NI-8, Po +3 In+4, NI-2, Ri+8 1d × 14
08 Petroleum 1,500 NA-4, In+1, NI-5 NA-4, In+3, NI-5 6d × 70
09 Natural Gas 240 NA-4, In+2, NI-5 NA-4, In+3 6d × 100
10 Coal 18 NA-3, In+1, NI-5 NA-3, IN+3, NI-5 7d × 70
11 Live Animals 215 Ag-2, Va+5, In+3 Ag-2, In+2, Ri+1 2d × 84
12 Animal Fibers 14 Va+2, In+2 Ag-2, In+2, Ri+1 4d × 70
13 Natural Fertilizer 1 Ag-3, Va+5 Ag-1, In-3 7d × 70
14 Live Plants 145 Ag-3, NA+1, In+1 Ag+1, Ri+1 1d × 70
15 Seeds 132 Ag+4, NA+2 Ag+2 1d × 14
16 Cut Flowers 71 Ag-3 Ri+1 1d × 28
17 Grain 21 Ag-2, NA+1, In+2 Ag-2 8d × 70
18 Fresh Produce 80 Ag-3, NA+1, In+2 Ag-2, In+3, Po+3 2d × 70
19 Lumber 30 Ag-6 Ag-6, Va+2, Ri+1 2d × 140
20 Fine Woods 290 Ag-4, Va+5 Ag-2, Va+4, Ri+4 1d × 140
21 Plant Fibers 11 Ag-7, NA-5, NI-3 Ag-6, NA+1, Ri+2 3d × 70
22 Raw Skins/Furs/Pelts 43 Ag-2, NI-4 Ri+2 6d × 28
23 Raw Herbs/Medicinals 250 Ag-3, NA+1, In+2 Ag-2, In+3, Ri+1 1d × 70
24 Roll on Gasses Table
25 Nitrogen Compounds 700 In-2, Ri-1 Ag+2, NA-2 5d × 70
26 Hydrocarbon Feedstock 2,215 NA-3, In+1 NA-4, In+3, NI-5 3d × 70
27 Iron 29 In-2, Ri-1, Po+1 In-2, Ri-1, Po+3 4d × 140
28 Roll on Metals Table
29 Lanthanum 115,500 In+4, Ri+3 NI+2, Ri+3, Po-2 1d × 35
30 Special Alloy 15,000 In-3, NI+5, Ri-2 In-3, NI+4, Ri-1 1d × 14
31 Radioactives Processed 700,000 In+7, NI-3, Ri+5 In+6, NI-3, Ri+3 1d × 7
32 Roll on Elements Table
33 Steel 36 In-2, Ri-1, Po+1 In-2, Ri-1, Po+3 4d × 140
34 Meat 107 Ag-2, Va+5, In+3 Ag-2, In+2, Ri+1 2d × 84
35 Leather/Furs 4,000 Ag-2, NI-4 Ri+4, Po-2 3d × 14
36 Flour/Meal 210 Ag-2, NA+2 Po+2 7d × 70
37 Cooking Oils 570 Ag-1, NA+3 Ag-2, Po+1 4d × 56
38 Wine 1,640 Ag-4 Ag-3, In+1, Ri+4 2d × 70
39 Beer 580 Ag-3 Ag-3, In+3, Ri+2 3d × 140
40 Liquor 1,720 Ag-4 Ag-3, In+1, Ri+2 1d × 70
41 Spices/Condiments 428 Ag-2, NA+3, In+2 Ag-2, Ri+2, Po+3 1d × 70
42 Milk 980 Ag-2, NA+2 In+2, Ri+1 3d × 70
43 Nectar/Syrups 1,350 Ag-1, Wa+3 In+1, Ri+1, Po+1 2d × 70
44 Teas/Coffee 3,200 Ag-2, NA+3, In+2 Ag-2, Ri+2, Po+3 3d × 100
45 Aromatic Oils 800,000 Ri+2 Ri+5 1d
46 Fertilizer 350 Ag-2, Va+5 Ag+1, In-3 8d × 70
47 Pharmaceuticals 100,000 NA-3, In+4, Po+2 NA-3, In+5, Ri+4 2d × 7
48 Paper 380 Ag-7, NA-2, NI-2 Ag-6, NA+1, Ri+2 3d × 140
49 Textiles 400 Ag-7, NA-5, NI-3 Ag-6, NA+1, Ri+3 3d × 70
50 Polymers 500 In-2, Ri-3, Po+2 In-2, Ri+3 4d × 70
51 Explosives 4,600 In-3, Ri-2, Po+3 In-2, Ri-1, Po+3 2d × 28
52 Petrochemicals 850 NA-3, In+1, NI-5 NA-4, In+3, NI-5 6d × 70
53 Plastics 1,700 In-3, Ri-1, Po+1 In-2, NI+3 4d × 70
54 Laminates 2,000 In-3, NI+4, Ri-2 In-3, NI+4, Po+1 2d × 70
55 Tobacco-like 225 Ag-2, NA+1, In+2 Ag-2 3d × 100
56 Pigments 1,000 In+5, Ri+1, Po-1 In+5, Ri+2 2d × 70
57 Hand Tools 1,420 In-3, Ri-2, Po+3 In-2, Ri+1, Po+3 2d × 14
58 Blades 740 In-3, Ri-2, Po+3 In-2, Ri+1, Po+3 2d × 14
59 Firearms 2,500 In-3, Ri-2, Po+3 In-2, Ri+1, Po+3 2d × 14
60 Ammunition 2,500 In-3, Ri-2, Po+3 In-2, Ri+1, Po+3 2d × 14
61 Body Armor 3,600 In-1, Ri-3, Po+3 In-2, Ri+1, Po+4 2d × 14
62 Batteries 14,000 In-4, Ri-3 Ni+2, Po+1 2d × 10
63 Preserved Food 360 Ag-2, NA+2, In+2 Ag-2, Va+2, Hi+1 2d × 70
64 Perfumes 1,200,000 Ag-1 Ri+3 1d
65 Wire/Cable 150 In-3, Ri-1 NI+1, Po+1 3d × 42
66 Glass Products 80 NA-1, Po-2 Ag+1, Ri+1 2d × 14
67 Fiberglass 40 Ag-2, NA+3, In+2 Ag-2, Ri+2, Po+3 3d × 100
68 Fiber-Optic Cable 1,000 In-3, Ri-1 NI+1, Ag+2 3d × 28
69 Clothing 650 NA-5, In-3 Ag-1, NA-2, Ri+3 2d × 70
70 Protective Gear
Filters and Masks 8,000 In-2, NA-3, Ri-1 NA-2, NI+2, Po+1 2d × 140
Enviro/Vacc Suits 28,500 NA-5, In-3, Ri-1 NA-1, NI+2, Po+1 1d × 70
71 Furniture 300 In-1, NA+1, Ri+2 Ri+2, NI-1, Hi+2 2d × 14
72 Antiques/Artifacts 30,000 Lo-2, Ri+3, Po+1 Ri+3, Po-2 1d × 7
73 Photographs 2,000 Ag-1, Ri+1 Ri+1 1d
74 Paintings/Drawings 30,000 Ri+2, Po-3 Ri+3, Po-1 1d
75 Sculptures 10,000 In-2, Po-2 Ri+2 2d
76 Exotic Art 15,000 In-2, NI+1 Ri+3 2d
77 Music 1,800 Hi-2, Ri+1 Ri+1, Po-1 3d
78 Musical Instruments 1,200 In-1, Ag+1 Ri+1, NI+2 2d × 7
79 Industrial Chemicals 14,000 In+2, NA-4, NI-3 In+3, NI-5, Ag-2 6d × 70
80 Farm Implements 107 In-3, Ri-2, Po+3 In-2, Ag+3, Po+3 2d × 14
81 Life Support Elements 2,000 In-2, NA-3, Ag+2 Va+3, NI+2, Po+1 2d × 14
82 Scientific Instruments 5,000 In-2, Ri-2 In+1, Ri+1 2d × 7
83 Roll on Data Table
84 Roll on Document Table
85 Roll on Civilian Vehicle Table
86 Roll on Military Vehicle Table
87 Aircraft 8,000,000 ea. In-4, Ri-3 NI+2, Po+1, Va-6 1d
88 Watercraft 2,000,000 ea. Wa-2, In-2, Ri-2 Wa+2, Va-4, De-3 1d
89 Medical Instruments 8,000 In-2, Ri-2 In+1, Ri+1 2d × 7
90 Consumer Appliances 7,000 In-5, Ri-3 NI+3, Hi+2, Ag+1 4d × 35
91 Entertainment Equipment 7,000 In-4, Ri-3 NI+3, Hi+3, Po+2 4d × 28
92 Farm Machinery 10,800 In-5, Ri-2 Ag+5, NA-8, Po+1 1d × 14
93 Machine Tools 54,000 In-5, Ri-4 NI+3, Ag+1, NA+2 1d × 28
94 Metal Parts 2,600 In-5, Ri-3 NI+3, Ag+2 1d × 70
95 Mechanical Parts 5,700 In-5, Ri-3 NI+3, Ag+2 2d × 35
96 Electronic Parts 8,000 In-4, Ri-3 NI+2, Po+1, Hi+1 3d × 14
97 Computer Parts 14,000 In-5, Ri-3 NI+3, Ag+1, NA+2 1d × 70
98 Cybernetic Parts 17,000 In-4, Ri-1 NI+4, Ag+1, NA+2 2d × 40
99 Power Cells 10,000 In-4, Ri-3 NI+2, Po+1 2d × 10
100 Computers 60,000 In-2, Ri-2 NI+2, Po+1, Ag-3 3d × 14
101 Water 5 Va+4, De+2, Wa-3 Va+3, De+1, Wa-1 16d × 120
102 Raw Crystals or Gems 70,000 In+4, NI-8, Po+3 In+4, NI-2, Ri+8 1d × 14
103 Roll on Elements Table
104 Live Animals 215 Ag-2, Va+5, In+3 Ag-2, In+2, Ri+1 2d × 84
105 Live Plants 145 Ag-3, NA+1, In+1 Ag+1, Ri+1 1d × 70
106 Gravitic Parts 21,000 In-4, Ri-3 Ag+2, NI+3 1d × 28
107 Advanced Alloys 14,000 In-3, NI+5, Ri-2 In-3, NI+4, Ri-1 1d × 14
108 Life Support Components 300 In-2, NA-3, Ag+2 Va+3, NI+2, Po+1 2d × 14
109 Fusion Plant Components 90,000 In-2, Ri-2 NI+3, Ag+2 3d × 14
110 Maneuver Drive Components 83,000 Port A-2, Port B-1 Port C+1, Port D+2 2d × 28
111 Roll on Gasses Table
112 Stone 10 Wa+2 Wa+2 14d × 100
113 Seeds 132 Ag+4, NA+2 Ag+2 1d × 14
114 Jump Drive Components 100,000 Port A-2, Port B+1, Port C+3 Port B+2, Port C+4, Port D+6 3d × 14
115 Energy Weapon Components 9,000 In-2, Ri-2 Ri-1, Po+2 2d × 14
116 Communications Modules 8,000 In-4, Ri-3 NI+3, Po+1 1d × 70
117 Sensor Modules 30,000 In-4, Ri-3 NI+3, Po+1 1d × 70
118 Software 50,000 Ri-2 Lo+1, Po+2 1d × 14
119 Robots 18,000 Ri-1 Lo+2, Hi-3 1d
120 Gravitic Modules 36,000 In-4, Ri-3 Ag+2, NI+3 1d × 28
121 Power Plants varies In-2, Ri-2 NI+3, Ag+2 3d × 14
122 Maneuver Drives varies Port A-2, Port B-1 Port C+1, Port D+2 2d × 28
123 Jump Drives varies Port A-2, Port B+1, Port C+3 Port B+2, Port C+4, Port D+6 3d × 14
124 Fuel Purifiers varies Port A-2, Port B-1 Port C+1, Port D+2 2d × 28
125 Spacecraft varies Port A-2, Port B-1 Port B+1, Port C+2, Port D+3 varies


Elements Table
Roll Description Base Price per m^3 Purchase DMs Resale DMs Quantity Available (m^3)
01 Barium 1,000      
02 Boron 2,000      
03 Cobalt 22,000      
04 Gadolinium 1,100,000      
05 Gallium 200,000      
06 Lead 7,000      
07 Mercury 18,000      
08 Palladium 480,000      
09 Sulfur 55,000      
10 Tantalum 38,000      


Gasses Table
Roll Description Base Price per m^3 Purchase DMs Resale DMs Quantity Available (m^3)
01 Argon 4      
02 Chlorine 6      
03 Fluorine 12      
04 Helium 1      
05 Hydrogen 35      
06 Hydrogen (Deuterium) 350      
07 Neon 1,500      
08 Nitrogen 1      
09 Oxygen 1      
10 Xenon 30,000      


Metals Table
Roll Description Base Price per m^3 Purchase DMs Resale DMs Quantity Available (m^3)
01 Aluminum 2,400      
02 Bronze 3,000      
03 Cadmium 3,300      
04 Copper 800      
05 Gold 528,000      
06 Iridium 400,000      
07 Nickel 2,800      
08 Platinum 720,000      
09 Steel 900      
10 Tin 150      


Data Table
Roll Description Base Price per m^3 Purchase DMs Resale DMs Quantity Available (m^3)
01 Archival Data 500      
02 Astronomical Data 800      
03 Business Data 1,000      
04 Census Data 400      
05 Financial Data 1,200      
06 Genetic Data 1,400      
07 Meteorological Data 600      
08 Military Data 900      
09 Scientific Data 1,300      
10 Technical Data 1,500      


Documents Table
Roll Description Base Price per m^3 Purchase DMs Resale DMs Quantity Available (m^3)
01 Archival Documents 1,000      
02 Books (Fiction) 5,000      
03 Books (Non-fiction) 4,500      
04 Currency/Bonds 500,000      
05 Documentary 8,000      
06 Entertainment 12,000      
07 Music 18,000      
08 Video 30,000      
09 Scientific Documents 50,000      
10 Stock Certificates 500,000      


Civilian Vehicles Table
Roll Description Base Price per m^3 Purchase DMs Resale DMs Quantity Available (m^3)
01 Automobile, wheeled 8,000 ea. (14m^3)      
02 Bicycle 50 ea. (1m^3)      
03 Motorcycle, wheeled 4,000 ea. (2m^3)      
04 Air-Raft 200,000 ea. (14m^3)      
05 Tracked Vehicle 20,000 ea. (20m^3)      
06 Truck, wheeled 10,000 ea. (14m^3)      
07 Bus, wheeled 40,000 ea. (42m^3)      
08 Rail-road engine 100,000 ea. (84m^3)      
09 Boat 48,000 ea. (84m^3)      
10 Grav Carrier 400,000 ea. (42m^3)      


Military Vehicles Table
Roll Description Base Price per m^3 Purchase DMs Resale DMs Quantity Available (m^3)
01 Armored Car, wheeled 40,000 ea. (28m^3)      
02 Half-track 30,000 ea. (28m^3)      
03 Utility, 'Jeep' 15,000 ea. (14m^3)      
04 Armored Personnel Carrier 200,000 ea. (42m^3)      
05 Tank 900,000 ea. (42m^3)      
06 Combat Walker 1,200,000 ea. (28m^3)      
07 Grav Belt 5,000 ea. (1m^3)      
08 Grav Armored Personnel Carrier 1,500,000 ea. (56m^3)      
09 Grav Tank 5,000,000 ea. (70m^3)      
10 Armored Boat 800,000 ea. (630m^3)